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About Your Presenter

Akutra-Ramses Cea

Akutra-Ramses Cea

LeapMaker LLC

Discover the power of the mind and explore the secrets to living. Really, life is amazing and why would you throw away your time because you don’t want to take the time to realize where you can take it?

When I was young, I travelled around Europe even residing in several cities as a volunteer computer systems manager. Returning to the U.S.A, I obtained two college degrees finishing with a 4.0 grade point average.

Many years ago I began exploring the various facets of the mind. I discovered often bizarre seeming unrelated activities that were repeatable. Several years of experimentation and exploration lead to several discoveries and confirmations about tapping into the power of all facets of the mind including but not limited to conscious, subconscious, spirit mind, meta, and muscle memory. I have learned to detect the energies in my immediate environment and always enjoy exploring my immediate environment.

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