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About Your Presenter

Akutra-Ramses Cea

Akutra-Ramses Cea

LeapMaker LLC

Once you understand hunger hormones, you can regulate how full you feel, which helps you to avoid snacking and ultimately lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself!

When I was young, I travelled around Europe even residing in several cities as a volunteer computer systems manager. Returning to the U.S.A, I obtained two college degrees finishing with a 4.0 grade point average.

Growing up I was always really slender, so slender that if it wasn't for some muscle it might have seemed like I have a weight problem of another sort. In the early 2000's, I suddenly gained a huge amount of weight which I was unprepaired for. For years, I tried diet and excercise programs to no solution. Then all of a sudden I discovered a secret and lost over 50 pounds in a few months. I've never had the same over-weight issue again.

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